Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How To Exercise Caution When Driving

Every driver is expected to be careful while driving to avoid danger. This is very important especially when driving in crowded cities and places with less strict road regulations. The following tips can help you drive with care on the road.

Anticipate what is going to happen
around the vehicle while driving. This is because anything can happen. As a driver, you can expect the unexpected when driving on the road.

Avoid over speeding. Over speeding can lead a driver of a vehicle to his/her untimely death. Avoid over speeding by observing the approved speed limits by the traffic regulation body of your country.

Be patient on the road. Don’t be too much in a hurry when driving. This leads to over speeding which puts your life and that of other road users as well as your passengers (if any) at risk. Be patient! It is better to be a patient than to be a patient in the hospital.

Always give signals before maneuvering and always check your rear view mirror before necessitating a bend.

Blend with the flow of traffic.  Don’t be too fast or too slow, move along with the traffic. If you are too fast, it leads to dangerous overtaking which can lead to road accident. But, if you are too slow it may result in traffic build up or slow movement of traffic. And this can also cause other drivers to overtake which may be dangerous overtaking.

Avoid overtaking at bends. It is very unsafe to overtake at bends especially when you cannot see ahead or check for up coming vehicle

Monday, November 28, 2011

How To Stop Dangerous Driving

There are so many reasons why drivers drive dangerously. Driving dangerously can put other road users at risk. As a driver, you can stop dangerous driving by following the tips below.

Be considerate to other drivers on the road irrespective of the vehicle you drive. For example, a driver of fast cars often feels slower cars or vehicles are menace on the road. 

Don’t compete with other drivers on the road. For example, if a car overtakes your car, you should not see it as a challenge and starts looking for every available means to overtake back. This often results in unnecessary competitions among drivers which puts the life of the drivers, their passengers (if any) and other road users a risk. This altitude is common among young drivers.

Don’t bring your emotions in the road. This is because your emotion can affect the way a driver drives greatly. Examples of emotions displayed by drivers include sorrow, anger, frustration, depression, worry, etc.

Avoid all forms of drugs before driving. Some of the drugs that cause rivers to rive dangerously include alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, etc. these drugs causes drivers to lack co-ordination on the road.

Be conversant with road regulations and traffic conditions.

Know your vehicle. This means, have basic knowledge of basic components of the vehicle an know how to fix them when they are faulty. This will help in times of emergency and save you from dangerous driving.
Be considerate to other road users. Roads are not for drivers of cars only. There are other road users such as the cyclist, pedestrians, etc.

Know that accident can happen to anybody irrespective of your age, sex, educational background, etc.  having this at the back of your mind can help you restrain caution when driving.

Don’t drive too close to a vehicle ahead. Give a reasonable distance between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead, especially when driving at high speed.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

What Causes Dangerous Driving By Drivers

Dangerous driving by drivers is one of the major causes of road traffic accidents all over the world. There are several factors responsible for dangerous driving by drivers. These include:
  • The physical condition of the driver
  • Having little knowledge of the vehicle
  • Having little knowledge of road traffic regulations and traffic conditions
  • Non consideration for other road users
  • Driving too close to the vehicle ahead
  • Driving too fast
  • underestimating accident
The physical condition of the driver: Driver with health problems is a potential cause of road traffic accident. For example, it is not advisable for an epileptic patient to drive, but if he/she does not take his/her drug regularly and hits the road it can lead to road accidents. Other health problems like poor eyesight, poor hearing, etc, can also lead to dangerous driving which may lead to road traffic accident.

Having little knowledge of the vehicle: A good driver should have basic knowledge of some vital parts of a vehicle. This will help the driver in times of emergency. This include having basic knowledge of the steering, brake, accelerators, etc, which of course varies from vehicle to vehicle. Failure of the driver to know this intricate parts of the vehicle can cause dangerous driving.

Having little knowledge of road traffic regulations and traffic conditions: Another cause of road traffic accident is failure on the part of some drivers to have basic understanding for road traffic regulations and traffic conditions. For example, a driver with little or no knowledge for road signs is a potential dangerous driver and he/she is not fit drive.

Non consideration for other road users: Dangerous driving can be caused by drivers who have little or no consideration for other road users. Drivers are not the only people that make use of the roads, there are others who also make use of the roads. Some of them include, cyclist, pedestrians, school children, etc. So, a driver who do not consider other road users will definitely drive dangerously.

Driving too close to the vehicle ahead: A driver is expected to give resonable distance between the vehicle he/she is driving and the vehicle ahead. Driving too close to the vehicle ahead is a sign the driver is driving dangerously.

Driving too fast: Driving fast is a sign the driver is driving dangerously. Most drivers drive fast probably because they are in a hurry or just for the fun.

Underestimating accidents: Some drivers tends to underestimate the power of accidents probably because some of them have not experience accidents before. Funny enough, some drivers exempt themselfves from accidents and blame drivers who ad accidents on negligence or inexperience on their part. But, they forget that accident can happen to anyone.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

What To Do As A Passenger To Avoid Road Accident

As an occupant or passenger of a vehicle, it is your duty to ensure that driver drives safely. Most passengers do feel they can do little or nothing to avoid road accident. But, they forget that when road accident occurs, they are involved in the carnage. The driver is just one and most times there are many passengers in the vehicle. That is why, if you look at the statistics today, you discover that more passengers have lost their lives in road accident than drivers.
Passengers in a vehicle

What To Do As A Passenger To Avoid Road Accident

Be cautious when discussing with the driver: Allow the driver to concentrate by restraining caution in your discussion with him/her. Sometimes passengers engage driver of a vehicle in a discussion which sometimes leads to heated argument. This causes the driver to lose concentration and which can lead to road accident.

Watch if the driver is over speeding:As an occupant of a vehicle, it is necessary to observe if the driver of the vehicle is over speeding or if he/she has exceeded the speed limits. If you do not know the speed limit or if you are seated in a disadvantaged position, sure you do know when a car is over speeding. If you find out or perceive that the driver is over speeding, don't just sit there and do nothing: tell him/her to reduce the speed. If the driver refuses, then it is advisable to get down from the vehicle at the next available bus stop.

Be Alert: Try as much as you can to be alert when being conveyed in a vehicle. This is very necessary. It is only when you are alert you know when the driver is over speeding or when the driver is being distracted by any means. Also, being alert can reduce the effect of road accident when they occur. This is because a sleeping passenger is more likely to have shock when accident occurs.     

Sunday, November 20, 2011

What Is Road Traffic Accident?

Almost every one have witness road traffic accident at one time or the other. For those who have experienced it, concerns have been raised at the carnage. Most of these accidents are caused largely by the indiscipline on the part of the drivers of the vehicles and sometimes the occupants or passengers of the vehicles. All over the world, many people have lost their lives, the lives of their loved ones and family members to road traffic accidents.
Before we dive into the meaning of road traffic accident, lets first of all know or understand the meaning of traffic. Traffic has to do with the movement of people and vehicles along roads, streets or highways.

Meaning Of Road Traffic Accident
Road traffic accident happens when the movement of one or more vehicles cause material damage, injury or death of a person or people. An accident is said to be a road traffic accident when it occurs on the road, streets, footpaths and other places the public access to.

Although road traffic accident is not pre-planned, sure it have causes and knowing these causes can help the driver, passengers, and other road users prevent or reduce road traffic accident. But most of the causes can be prevented by the driver.    
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